Town Halls

Town Halls

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Our third UK/US Town Hall chaired by US Associate Lawrence Bennett

Closed captioning is available if you select it on the video.

Our Town Hall continuing the discussion on Diversity in Technical Theatre

Closed captioning is available if you select it on the video.

Our second Town Hall of 2023

Talking about Mentoring and other topics.

March 2023

Our first Town Hall of 2023

Talking about the PMF, opportunities to join the committee, The Green Book and other topics.

November 2022

Our second US/UK Town Hall

Comparing and contrasting the UK and US PMFs.
How do they both work and what can we learn from each other?


September 2022

Topics discussed included:

The UK Theatres/BECTU Code of Conduct 2022 (Get-ins, Fit-ups & Get-outs)

Sustainability Network

The Old Vic’s appeal for Barndoors

Behaviour Code of Conduct, following the PLASA incident

Posting job vacancies

New roles and future plans at the PMF

July 2020 - our first ever Town Hall

On 23rd July the PMF hosted its first Town Hall Meeting, via Zoom.
We were really pleased with the number of people who attended.
There was a wide geographical spread, and a representation of many aspects of our industry.

Topics discussed included:

Covid (which was only a few months old) and its effects on our industry.

AAPTLE – the Alliance of of Associations and Professionals for Theatre and Live Events

Freelancers Make Theatre Work

SiPA – The Sustainability in Production Alliance