Our Mission

Our Mission

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The PMF is a resource for anyone involved in the Production and Technical Management of theatre or live events and aims to:

  • share ideas and knowledge
  • support and promote best practice within production and technical management
  • connect Production and Technical Managers with each other through its website, social media channels, regular forums and social events
  • develop its website to be a vital source of information for production management professionals and students
  • publish a regular newsletter and distribute it to members, supporters and other industry bodies
  • organise regular forums throughout the UK, each one focusing on an issue relevant to production management
  • post videos of its forums, which will also be available as a live-stream on Facebook, for reference and for those unable to attend the event
  • offer a library of relevant and up to date information, legislation and codes of practice pertinent to theatre and live events
  • encourage employers to advertise relevant job vacancies via the PMF website and social media channels
  • develop a Support Hub of individuals and suppliers, to provide regional support and local knowledge
  • provide mentorship schemes for young and aspiring Production Managers
  • encourage members to play as full a part as possible in the management and running of the PMF
  • seek support from theatre and live events companies and suppliers to enable the PMF to continue and to develop
  • find ways to promote equality and diversity in production management and in the work of the PMF