The PMF are working with SiPA – Sustainability in Production Alliance to develop 10 commitments/ commandments that theatre and live events Production Managers can get behind.
Other specialists such as lighting, sound, International Festivals and Rock and Roll Tour and Production Managers are working on their own lists all of which will be published on the new SiPA website.
Jennifer Taillefer and David Evans have put together a provisional ten points outlined below.
What do you think? How can these be improved; can you suggest better ones, or simply better wording? All comments and very welcome, after all, if these do not speak for you how can you get behind them.
Have a look and get back to us with your thoughts.
SiPA – Considerations for 10 (Commandments) for Production Management
1. Follow a procurement hierarchy
Use existing stock or re-purpose/find dead stock or materials
Buy or hire locally
Buy online prioritising small businesses
2. Apply the Green Prism model for all production decisions – design, transport, sourcing, suppliers
Is it a good idea?
What are the environmental consequences?
What are the alternatives?
Are the alternatives reasonably practical?
What impacts would they have?
Is it appropriate to change?
3. Encourage designers and builders to consider the plan for strike and reuse of a set by reducing build techniques which render materials difficult to reuse, considering modular choices which can be repurposed, and including the disposal costs of a set in the build budget.
4. Apply the Julie’s Bicycle waste hierarchy for making decisions
about using plastics or other non-biodegradable materials
Avoid – Reduce – Reuse – Recycle – Recover – Treat – Dispose
5. Environmental policies and guidelines to be an appendix to contracts
for everyone on a project, and reiterated as part of day 1 toolbox
and induction talks.
6. Require suppliers to provide copies of their sustainability policies.
7. List of preferred materials
such as low VOC adhesives and waterbased paints,
fabric cable ties over LX tape, use of compressors over tins of aerosol,
FSC certified timber, rechargeable batteries.
8. List of banned materials
– non biodegradable balloons and glitter, helium, polystyrene,
single use plastics, straws, cotton buds, non biodegradable wipes
9. Sustainability to be an agenda item on every design and production meeting.
10. Transport
have single days in the week for pick ups and deliveries to reduce van use,
consider what needs to be transported and what can be procured locally for tours,
plan the build and pack to reduce required number of vehicles,
plan tours to avoid backtracking and reduce journeys.