One of the (many) reasons that many parts of the industry have been excluded from support during the pandemic, by UK Governments, is because we have never used consistent Standard Industrial Codes. SIC Codes are used by governments to identify the size of industries and therefore how important they are in the UK Economy.
PLASA and WeMakeEvents have been campaigning to get as many of us as possible in the industry to make sure the right codes are applied on the returns we need to make to Companies House. You can find more details here.
These are the specific codes to apply:
82301: Activities of exhibition and fair organisers
82302: Activities of conference organisers
90020 : Support activities to performing arts
Most Technical Staff would go into the 90020 code but you may also have people who come under the 82302 code.
Any codes we can apply help show the true size of the sector to Her Majesty’s Government and strengthen economic arguments for support from them.
You can download the PLASA pdf on SIC Classification here