“Process, practice, change” – A ​”Reset Better​” Zoom Panel Discussion

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The Production Managers Forum and Rose Bruford College combine forces for their second Zoom panel session on the topic of ​Reset Better​, looking at ways we can work smarter and in a more human-centric way as we begin to plan the return to work.

A panel discussion bringing Industry and Education together to look at ways to rebuild our sector with a focus on people.

This second session will discuss ways forward to change the traditional culture of putting on a show, and how to move to a better way of working for everyone.

Reset Better​ is the working title of a project supported by the PMF, whose aims are to promote cultural change in the way we have traditionally produced theatre. In practical terms, we seek to find ways to promote five-day working weeks, two-session days, job flexibility, and smarter working practices for the benefit of all stakeholders to create great Art.


David Evans – Chair

Mark Shayle – Freelance Stage and Production Manager and Podcast Host

Rest of the Panel TBC


Time: 16:00 to 17:00

Date: 17th of March 2021


Click here to sign up for the event