The PMF is looking to recruit more Student and Young Members Associates (SYMs) to our committee.
SYM’s represent the interests of Students and Early Career Members of the PMF in all aspects of what we do. SYM’s are also vital in taking on Assistant Roles to help run different aspects of the PMF alongside full Committee Members.
We are currently looking for the following assistant roles:
* Membership Assistant
This includes monitoring new signups, updating existing members details, and producing statistics.
*Meetings Assistant
This assistant would be involved in all aspects of arranging and administering our regular meetings.
All Assistant roles work alongside a committee member who is responsible for a certain area of the PMF’s work, they will be able to guide through the process, suggest actions and solutions as well as advise on timescales and priorities.
None of the PMF Committee Members or Assistants are paid for their work with the PMF but we do reimburse previously agreed expenses, particularly travel to support PMF events.
If you, or someone you know, are interested in becoming a SYM then please contact us on [email protected] for more information.