50 Women In Theatre

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50 Women In Theatre is published today, by Supernova Books.

It is a vibrant look through the eyes’ of women celebrating early female pioneers and legends through to the rule breakers. In a wonderful selection of women’s creative practice both front and back stage, the book features 25 legends of post-war theatre in the English-speaking world and interviews with 25 extraordinary women working in theatre today.

One of these is the PMF’s own Pip Robinson, who was integral to our relaunch
and was a long term committee member, mover and shaker.
Production Managers Forum PMF PIP ROBINSON

50 Women In Theatre recognises the current challenges for the theatre industry, brought to its knees by the pandemic, with the loss of hundreds of freelancers to other jobs. With an overview of the history of women in theatre, for the first time, literally hundreds of other important ground-breaking women theatre-makers are acknowledged for their contributions.

You can find out more about the book, and buy a copy here